Leadership And Management |
Dynamics of Leading™ |
There has probably been more written about the topic of leadership, than any other subject in business or management. And, a more recent paradigm is to differentiate Leading from Managing. Sometimes we find people who are great managers, but not so good at leading, and vice-versa, people who are great leaders, but not so good at managing. This gives rise to the often asked question 'are leaders more born or developed".
Research shows that it can be both, but if the basic innate traits do not exist, then there is not enough raw materials to develop. Further studies show there is a strong, correlation between certain personality, traits and effective leadership.
That's personality - which is more 'inborn' – and to a great extent, style comes from this. However, culture is another major influence on style. There are some distinct differences between Asian and Western leadership styles.
There are some of the core issues that are addressed in this workshop. |
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